5 Activities for Seniors to Keep Your Mind Sharp

The brain is like a muscle. It needs to be used and strengthened in order to maintain and improve its abilities. As we age, it becomes even more important for seniors to continue to use their mind as much as possible in order to keep it sharp. The following are several science-supported ways to strengthen your mind and keep your brain functioning as best as it can.

Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Any activity that uses the brain is believed to be beneficial for helping create new connections and keep the mind functioning properly. But some activities are more effective than others. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Reading – There are few activities better for the human brain than reading. Reading gives your mind incredible stimulation, with some studies showing that reading can not only stave off cognitive decline, but possibly improve cognitive function.
  2. Math – From the same studies, performing ongoing math is stimulating to the brain’s neural connections. Seniors that engaged in solving arithmetic problems and puzzles every day showed greater cognitive ability not only in their ability to solve math, but in other measures of cognitive function as well.
  3. Socializing – Seniors that socialize and engage in more activities with friends and family tend to have far better mental sharpness than those that are more isolated. Seeing people and interacting with others is a powerful brain food, improving memory and cognitive ability.
  4. Meditation – Most activities to improve mental sharpness involve engaging your brain. But meditation is the exception. Meditation helps to relax the mind and body, reducing stress and helping people feel less overwhelmed by the day. That stress reduction is important for mental health and acuity.
  5. Learning Something New – It is possible to learn new tricks at any age, and it is an activity that is considered especially important at older ages. Learning new activities not only improves brain health, but it can actually help seniors become more open to new experiences in the future, including those that have little to do with the skills learned.

Of course, activities are not the only way to keep your mind sharp. Healthy eating and exercise both stave off many of the effects of aging, and can even reverse some of them. Making sure that you’re taking care of your health is important as well.

American River Visiting Providers is a medical home visit service in Sacramento that has specialists to help keep you healthy and care for you in the comfort of your own home. Contact us to learn more about our services.

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